15 May 2014
03 April 2014
17 February 2014
04 February 2014
17 January 2014
16 January 2014
02 January 2014
30 November 2013
25 October 2013
20 September 2013
A Nagy Füzet (Le Grande Cahier)
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... Az ikerpár által írt napló lapjai látványos és rendkívül kifejező animációkban elevenednek meg a vásznon, vizuálisan téve átélhetővé azt a küszködést, amellyel a gyerekek igyekeznek valamifajta belső rendet teremteni a körülöttük dúló káoszban. A nagy füzetben ezek egyedül azok a pillanatok, amikor a képek önálló jelentésteremtő erőre tesznek szert, és ez azért nagyon fontos, mert az ikrek számára a naplószerű írás maga a túlélőfelszerelés. A számukra érthetetlen okokból és fordulatokkal zajló háború követhetetlen eseményeinek füzetben történő sajátos feldolgozása révén a gyerekek azt hiszik, egy csakis rájuk érvényes, önálló értékrendet és világot hoztak létre, pedig csak a háború logikáját termelik kíméletlenül újra. ...
Revizor, Gyenge Zsolt
(Szász János A nagy füzet c. filmjéről)
06 September 2013
01 September 2013
25 August 2013
Agota Kristof: "Le Grande Cahier" a feature film by János Szász
A film props in "Le grande cahier" - a feature film by János Szász
Created: Géza Szöllösi Calligraphy: Zsuzsa Szász-Benczúr, Film stills: Tamás Dobos, Repro: Krisztián Zana
János Szász: Le grand cahier, trailer (A nagy füzet)
23 July 2013
14 May 2013
04 May 2013
17 April 2013
Plastination II.
13 April 2013
31 December 2012
30 December 2012
Organs and Extasy
19 December 2012
16 December 2012
15 November 2012
10 November 2012
22 September 2012
Unnatural - Natural History, Bristol
"Finally, as a lifelong vegetarian I had to admit to being worried by the inclusion of Geza Szollosi’s Cows.I don’t think it’s right to chop up animals in the name of art. But the Cows are actually among my favourite pieces. Pretty much everyone viewing the show will eat meat, wear leather, or consume animal products to some extent. Many common art materials contain bits of dead animal. Leaving the animal in recognizable form is not worse, and for me at least, Szollosi’s artworks posses an honest message." by Penny Tristram
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Bristol's Royal West of England Academy
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Cow 07 (Hungarian Panda I.) |
29 August 2012
06 August 2012
17 July 2012
29 June 2012
21 March 2012
On the cover!
05 March 2012
New Deities - Exhibition in Nextart Gallery /H/
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Géza Szöllősi‘s New Deities exhibition opened to a full house. Fans of the artist and gallery regulars packed NextArt Galéria last week to take in first hand some psychotic imagery, a pictorial to the diary of a madman. And let me tell you, the works of art are impressive mash-ups; detailed to the hilt, vivid colours, stories over-saturated with images. You just jump from one detail to the next and in the process you’re drawn deeper into a world of chaotic comicbook madness. The detailed prints articulate a caricature of ideology, an interpretation of modern history, atheism, a critique of the perversions both of consumer society and global politics all framed in conspiracy paranoia, and ironically the medium of choice is the prayer mat. The titles of the works are mysterious allusions to secret societes, covert operations, pop culture: my personal favorite: Pinay Cercle. If Szöllősi would ever think of selling out, he should be silk screen these graphics onto t-shirts. Guaranteed to be an overnight success. You can check out the exhibition is until March 31st. I highly recommend it. |
01 March 2012
Stuff My Head With Religion!
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Szöllősi Géza’s New Deities
Departing from his Victor Frankenstein fusion of fur and flesh, Szöllősi Géza in his exhibition New Deities applies his polymorphic amalgamating talents to the concept of religion. Building on his past computer generated pattern pieces which are half Hermes, half Gilbert and George, he uses the Eastern Thangka form to present a colorful series of interpretations of new deities or parables. Using B-movie images, Side Show characters, politicians, and pop icons, Szöllősi creates colorful tableaus pairing Hugo Chavez with lemurs and Star Wars Stormtroopers with Sealboy. Of course for those that prefer a more retro feel, there are a few of Söllősi’s earlier taxidermied cow heads to round out the show.Budapesthurts.Com Bullet Shih
26 February 2012
31 January 2012
25 January 2012
18 January 2012
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